Envision Moore
Envision Moore Comprehensive Plan
Moore, OK
Moore, OK
Moore is best known for the havoc wreaked by tornadoes in 1999 and 2013. With Federal assistance, Moore has been able to recover from these natural disasters, rebuild neighborhoods, and restore its sense of community. Located between Oklahoma City and Norman, which is home to the University of Oklahoma, Moore is ideally situated for additional growth. Families and retirees are drawn to this city that offers a relatively low cost of living, a family-friendly environment, and easy access to employment. As Moore continues to grow, the City is faced with the challenges of providing infrastructure and services. Such growth also presents opportunities for enhancements along with increased resiliency and preparedness. Envision Moore outlines strategies to achieve this, including better stormwater management. It also promotes quality development with a mix of uses including some that maximize sales tax generation, the primary source of revenue for the City. Job-generating uses are among the uses encouraged to reduce work commutes, which in turn reduces traffic congestion and retail leakage. A key focus of the effort was Old Town. As the heart of the community, Old Town is critical to the long-term viability of the city. The Plan provides a multi-faceted vision for revitalization of Old Town—as a neighborhood, as a shopping and entertainment destination, as a central gathering place, as a transit station area, and as a civic and cultural hub—that will set it apart from other communities in the region.